I Listen to...

And even when you've paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up

With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck

don't lose any sleep tonight

I'm sure everything will end up alright

You may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do

Audioslave - Be Yourself

Emang mau jadi siapa lagi kalo bukan jadi diri sendiri?

Yet, sorry. I'm an insomniac by default and there's nothing you can say or do to soothe me that everything will be alright when the sun rises in the morning. I know. My demon doesn't. My angel? He never cares.

Picture taken from one of my wallpaper collection. Hail Google!


  1. iya mbak... setuju...
    masa saya mau jadi mbak pito,,,
    ya nggak mungkin tho...

  2. akan amat sangat tidak mungkin, nyo. level kita beda. huahahahahaha!!!


  3. baru mo ngomong gitu..tapi keburu dikeplak..ra sido wis..*mlipir

  4. gambarnya bagus...

  5. ya iya ta mbak...
    aku isone mung moco thok...
    ga iso nulis ngene iki...

    mbok diajari, mbak pit...


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