"Why do you keep a black cat? It has eyes of a devil!"
"Black cat is evil manifestation. Aren't you scared?"
"Your black cat is a girl?! Evil, man... That's a pure evil, she is!"
"You know what? All witches have a black cat. It's bound to do bad, devilish work."

I don't blame those people saying me those bullshit. They are brainswashed too much by cheap horror stories and B-rated flicks. I laughed it off and waved them out like keeping away annoying flies.

What they don't know is that I AM a witch. I make things happen after I had my own black cat. And she's my second in command, my comrade in arms. She's the closest after my own heart.

Tomorrow they can't say anything anymore. They will wake up with lips stitched nice and tight. I just sent my black cat to do it tonight.

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. Fiat voluntas tua.
Men will believe what they want to be true. Let there be light.


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