When Freedom Shut (Ketika Kebebasan Dibungkam)

Hear us, world! Hear us the Indonesians, mourn for our freedom of speech, freedom of expression. Crushed by our own rulers/decision makers who promised to speak out our voices. Based on righteousness hypocrisy, they prevent our eyes to open and see the brutal truth and listen to an egomaniac, self-proclaimed expert in telematics instead--while all he did was just checking porn images from local good-for-nothing celebs and making unquotable quotes.

French peasants had to write their heart-boiling stories down with their blood in the dungeon walls back then, and we blog our cry for help now. Should we get back to the Dark Age while people had walked on the moon--literally--long, long time ago? Should we conduct revolution for the sake of writing some phrases, seeing some footages, accessing some internet sites, making some inter-regional new friends, or simply to tell the world how miserable it is being disabled to eat since our wages could not afford it?



Wahai Dunia, dengarkan kami rakyat Indonesia yang berduka untuk kebebasan kami berpendapat dan bicara. Tertindas oleh para penguasa/pembuat keputusan yang dulu berjanji surga menyuarakan nurani kami. Berkedok kebenaran nan munafik, para yang terhormat menutup paksa mata kami melihat kebenaran pahit dan lebih mendengar seorang egomaniak mengaku ahli telematika--sementara yang dilakukannya hanya meneliti gambar porno seleb lokal tanpa guna dan membuat kutipan tidak layak kutip.

Petani Perancis menulis kisah perjuangan yang membakar semangat dengan darah mereka sendiri pada dinding-dinding penjara bawah tanah, dulu sekali. Kami blog teriakan ini, saat ini. Haruskah kami kembali ke Zaman Kegelapan ketika manusia telah mampu menginjakkan kaki di bulan berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu? Haruskah terjadi revolusi hanya untuk menulis, melihat film-film pendek, berkunjung ke situs internet, berkenalan dengan sahabat baru di lain benua, atau hanya untuk mengeluh tidak bisa makan karena upah sedikit?


(this post is made when there is gossip about blocking all internet sites containing controversial footage 'Fitna' from entering Indonesia. multiply, wordpress and blogspot sites could not be accessed at the time this post is written)


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