Jakarta Pagi Ini Indah Sekali...

Kemarin Emak the Boss ngomel-ngomel karena gwa dateng belakangan dibanding dia.
"Kamu tu harusnya dateng jam setengah sembilan paling telat, soalnya kamu harus monitoring sensitive case di media dan laporkan ke klien sebelum jam 9. Awas! Besok dateng pagi ya!"
Suaranya tajam, melengking. Berasa nusuk-nusuk gendang telinga gwa. Laen banget rasanya dibanding waktu beliau 'brainwash' gwa seminggu lalu.

I woke at half to six (which was very rare since I used to wake at half to eight), took a shower in the cold of after-rain morning (which I avoided the most), rode a motorcycle with Babab in front, crossing knee-high flood, waiting and sitting in the AC-less bus... to be stuck in the trafficked freeway, along with many other fellow passengers FOR TWO WHOLE DAMN HOURS!!! And still, I popped up at the office at 10--my usual time. Thanks God Emak was out for a meeting, and I was sulking and silent most of the times.

I managed to wake 'Si Maz' and didn't expect the answer. Yet, the reply/ies was/ere sweet.

...and this is the most beautiful day of my life...

Mucho gracias, mi Caro! jadi inget lagunya Di(l)do, Thank You. Xixixi...

p.s: hari ini gwa ngantor pake piama dan sendal jepit. asiknya...


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    wakaka.. :))
    lagian! ngantor, tp datengnya jam 10..

    PS: eh, terus ga diomelin lagi gara2 pake piyama dan sendal jepit ..? :p

  2. om mbu:
    lha... biasanya eke malah dateng jam 10.30. yg penting kerjaan kelar, report dikirim ke klien sebelum (atau pas) jam 12. hehe...

    PS: gag diomelin dunk... emang eluw?! >:P


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