Damn! It's Sooooooo Fuckin' Hard...

...to be whatever I am.
...to accept things I can't change.
...to be grateful for the bless and grace.
...to see the clouds by their silver linings.
...to smile broadly when my life narrowed.
...to give my left cheek when my right is slapped.
...to bow down before the Almighty One and confess.
...to give without even bother the return.
...to calm when the anger reaches the top of my head.
...to give Providence a chance without mind's involvement.
...to go against the current of nowaday's evil.
...to forgive and forget and nothing in between and after.
...to fight the demon within.
...to lost the lust and passion of somebody's lot.
...to love other unconditionally without thinking of the rebound.
...to cry shamelessly over the lost pride.
...to enjoy the matter solve itself naturally.
...to cheers the birth of everyday's life...

...and to learn all the above.

Grant me wisdon, knowledge and patience to know and achieve the ultimate tranquility, Han.
Need You so much but too dumb and proud to turn my head.

How I spent almost a month of the new year to write this resolution!


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    hard indeed, but not impossible.. :)

  2. om mbu:
    wanna try together? (=

  3. harus "to" yah? kalau saya sih "let's" sajah...

  4. om saylow:
    sayah blun punya cukup kebranian untuk bilang "let's".


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