Sinking Down Low to Reach for the Star High Above... (NJRIT!!!)

Jeez! I'm in Jakarta: the most-hated city ever! I just can't believe that I'm already here though it's been two days since my arrival. Well, then. Things have to be changed sometimes. I just try to think out of the box. Gotta accept the changes that need to be changed. Gotta face the truth, how miserable it would become. In the end, there is this one thing that has to be kept: gotta live and survive.

I never thought it would turn out to be like this. Working here, while my main objective in life is burried inside Jogja soil. But just like one of my Hell Angels said, people need to get out of their comfort zone and taking the risk. To feel alive. To wriggle from the needle hole and make out to the other side. To find newness in the universe without even thinking about the outcome. Literally go with the flow. That is exactly what I do now.

Remember my OTHER main objective in life about die in the age of thirty? I think I'm dying...


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM


    apa karena kamu mau dinikahkan pit??

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    makan makan dong pit !!!!!!!!!1111

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Halah gw balik, lo malah ke jkt! *huh!*

  4. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Pit, welcome to the jungle.

    Good Luck!


  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    pitooooooooo..... kowe pindah jkt to, nduk? horeeee... tambah cedaaakkk... yao kapan dolan mBandung, pit? *muach muach pito sampe klomoh*


  7. maz bagas: ah, kamu selalu aja salahinfo. gampang diprovokasi!

    om azil: kopdar? udah. malem minggu kmaren ama erwin =P

    didik:IKI AKU LAGI NGGOLEK UPO, NDAH! mangan-mangane sesuk ae...

    indi: ah... kamuw... *tersipu gag jelas*

    om jin: *hugsback* thx, bro. wish me luck!

    bunda: *tidakbisaberkataapa-apakarenadimwah-mwahampeklomoh*

    om babi: rampok, jambret dan pemerkosa? ga takut! junker? ini baru gwa takut...


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