Day 3 - Seven Deadly Sins

Character created by Marija Tiurina Since my first inception, seven has been my lucky number. I guess. Like, when I was hanging on a thread because of my mother’s immature labor when her water broke with 28-week me inside, in which I had to spend 10 days being radiated in an incubator like a chick. Being fed mashed banana and water by my Granny when I wasn’t even 24-hour. And still having a blast, 30-something years later. And then everything just rolled from there. As I grow up, my life has been nothing but the episodes of full-blown cardinal sins that start from my ears, to my heart, over my mind, and run their courses through my veins. And as I stranded here with nothing to do but making syllabus an d preparing my next teaching material, I’ll be a good girl and uncover them one by one. So, forgive me Father for I have sinned… Character created by Marija Tiurina The place was Mandala Krida, Jogja (again), where I watched Helloween conc...