
Showing posts from July, 2006

The Fat Lady Finally Sings...

Finally. After a straight 32 days--with two days skipping and three to seven hours late at other ones--the show is over. Good bye, shit one. You are the place where all contradictions happening without any strength left in me to prevent it from happening--and get payment from such place--and all I have to do is sitting in front of a godamn computer and strolling around after I finish, seing how money been throwing away easily while other have to work only to gain one-tenth from what have been wasted. Watching have-nots people do as the haves people told them what to do for the sake of money. Yet, they race and competing each other about who are the best in licking the bosses' shoes. Showing off to be the prettiest, most handsome, shortest-skirted young girls. Udah lah. Complain, complain, complain. I hang on all these times.

Have You Ever? I Wonder...

Taken from here . While reading, my eyes becomes larger every minute. Shit! Have I ever ask the same question? Have you? The Contents of Your Daily Life How many hours a day do you spend in front of a television screen? A computer screen? Behind an automobile windscreen? All three screens combined? What are you being screened from? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously? Is watching things as exciting as doing things? Do you have enough time to do all the things that you want to? Do you have enough energy to? Why? And how many hours a day do you sleep? How are you affected by standardized time, designed solely to synchronize your movements with those of millions of other people? How long do you ever go without knowing what time it is? Who or what controls your minutes and hours? The minutes and hours that add up to your life? Are you saving time? Saving it up for what? ...

Luka Itu Akan Sembuh... Nanti

Hai, Sum! Nggak kerasa, ternyata gwa kangen juga ama elu. Kemaren baru aja gwa kirim imel panjang buat lo yang lagi dibayarin cari ilmu di negara bule sana. Eh, pagi buta ini lo nongol, lewat cengiran smiley bulet kuning terang di software messenger yang mendadak hidup ketika lo log in. Lalu kita tukeran cerita dodol dan konyol, tentang temen-temen bule lo dan keluarga tempat lo numpang, serta tentang kerjaan baru gwa yang kayak neraka tapi menyenangkan. Kemudian cerita sedih itu terlontar. Tentang terselesaikannya sebuah hubungan jarak jauh antara lo dan mas londo di ujung dunia sana. Yang bikin airmata lo titik--meski cuma setetes--adalah ketika DIA yang punya inisiatif menyudahkan hubungan yang, tadinya, lo harapkan berhasil untuk mengalihkan rasa dari seorang lelaki matang yang namanya tertancap dalam di hati lo. (Apakah lukanya masih merembeskan darah, Sayang?) Hey! Apakah jebolan 844 sedang dilanda infeksi merahjambu akhir Juni? Karena ada seorang perempuan berkerudung nan perka...